Friday, May 19, 2023

Skin Poem Hydrating and Brightening Mist to add a dash of goodness to your skin this summer

With the humidity, and muggy air this summer, looking for something refreshing is a must. A good rule of thumb is to drink plenty of water, but what else can we do to combat the scorching heat of the season? When we go outside, it’s our skin that will feel the most of the heat. Aside from being sweaty, our skin during summer is also prone to irritation, and discomfort. Well, worry no more, because I just found the perfect hydrating mist that works for all skin types, and not only that- this hydrating and brightening mist from Skin Poem also has a cooling effect that will certainly add a dash of goodness to your skin this summer season!

Before we dive into the good effect of this product, allow me to commend its packaging. At first, I thought the packaging is just like a typical bottle of mists that I already tried before that’s made out of plastic. But this hydrating and brightening mist was made out of black tinted glass, so aside from being sustainable, the tinted glass bottle also protects the product’s ingredients from the sun damage.
What I liked too about the packaging is the poetry that’s included. As someone who has an interest in beauty and skincare all my life, I am used to seeing products that have only ingredients lists, and the instructions written on them. But for Skin Poem’s Hydrating and brightening mist, it has poetry; a perfect reminder to all the people who’s using the product that despite how busy life gets sometimes, you should allow yourself to step back.

Aside from these tiny details of the product, why do I recommend this mist from Skin Poem as your go-to this summer season? Well, I already mentioned one of the reasons earlier. It has a cooling effect, that you can instantly feel once sprayed to your skin. Here's a trick I discovered myself, I am not just using this one for my face, but on my hands and legs as well. Especially when my skin already feels so uncomfortable because of the hot weather.

This Brightening Mist, is a perfect combination to the sunscreen I am currently using.
Let’s face it, when reapplying sunscreen, sometimes the feeling is so tacky, especially when we have makeup on our face. That’s why on my end, I no longer need to reapply my sunscreen on top of my makeup, I just need this good mist, and I am good to go once again.

To complete my sentiments about this Hydrating and Brightening Mist, I would wrap this up by saying that this is a type of product that you can just include in your on the go beauty bag. If you have a travel trip, this mist from Skin Poem is definitely your best friend all throughout!
How do you find this? Let me know your thoughts. Thank you. XOXO Zarrah

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