Wednesday, August 18, 2021


When is life is tough, we as humans, become tougher as well especially when we conquer a challenge or issue in our life? We also learn something from our experience either bad or good and most of the bad ones make us stronger than we are today.
So for today, I would like to share with you that I got my first dose of vaccine last Monday and I'm happy that I can provide protection not only to me but for my family as well. And if you are following my previous blog articles, you know that we've been through a lot last month and we've made it through. Months ago, or year rather, I am hesitant to get my vaccine or get the vaccination because I am afraid of the after-effects and what they are saying zombified effects in years. Then, COVID hit us that much and decided to go for it. We got the Sinovac Vaccine and got it free from the government and I don't want to complain much. We got vaccinated in an open-air facility and line up at 8 am and got vaccinated at noon, well disclaimer, that's Pinoy's way of lining up. It is a scorching hot morning and I am glad my husband is with me so he lines up for me instead and I just stay in a covered area while waiting for the line to move. My only complaint at that time is the social distancing is not followed(hello San Jose Del Monte politicians!) and even inside the facility, there is no one seat apart. That is just sad to say that the health protocols during vaccine are not followed in the entire country and it varies per area. 
I think it's been months since I also register for this vaccine and just this month, I just got called to have my first dose. I am happy that I got 0 to minimal effects after my first dose and I even go back to my routine workout every day just a day after the vaccine shot. My left arm is just felt heavy and had nothing many effects. By the way, I am in an A4 class that's why I got prioritized by the rest of the population.
For those who are still in doubt, for me, if you haven't tried experiencing COVID, I highly recommend getting your vaccine shot as soon as possible because COVID is real and it is back fighter, even the most healthy and active person like me, got some symptoms that even make me think that I will be dying soon. Get protected not only for you but for your loved ones and stay safe.
That's it for now! Thanks for reading. See you on my next blog. XOXO ZARRAH

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