Saturday, October 13, 2018

Why taking a break in life is important?

Sometimes you gotta take a break from all the noise to appreciate the beauty of silence.
Sometimes we need to take a break from everyone and spend time alone, to experience, appreciate, and love yourself.
We tend to get tired of our daily routine and whatever life is throwing to us, especially with the term they called, "adulting".
People are actually good at pushing their limits and that's the best skill we have.
The problem is that too often we push through our weeks on end and just try to get through one day after another without really letting ourselves take a break.
But how we know that we really need a break, here are some alarming signs:
* You feel stressed before going to bed and get out of bed - that just basically means that you worry for many things at the same time and that deserves a break for you to focus and have the ability to solve problems one at a time.
* Your emotions take over - thinking about things desperately that sometimes makes us cry or make our emotions take over and having a break with this can let us think of different things which creates happy thoughts.
* You feel overwhelmed about the situation - it seems like thinking about too many things makes us frustrated and overwhelmed and taking a break can temporarily stay us away from those big things.
* You just want to disappear - this just explains that we are undergoing very rough path and taking a break can help us calm and think that there's a greater life coming to us.
* You always experienced a headache - due to thinking of problems, or anything that bothers as often as we do that leads to a headache and that is just too painful that we felt we are going to be sick and the only solution to this is to take a break and leave the worries behind.
Since there are some alarming things I already shared with you, here are some of the things you can do right now with it:
* Go on vacation - I know not everyone had an opportunity to this, but this not necessarily means that you should spend a lot of money just to escape life. You can also travel to someplace you've never been or just walk somewhere that gives you peace and serenity.
* Take care of yourself - this includes taking vitamins, eating right and of course exercising. In this way, it will benefit your body and mental health too.
* Talk with a friend - I know that not all people had the courage to speak on their mind but in this way, it can help you to relieve your feelings and worries. It can also give an opportunity to know some solutions that can be given by your friend by advising you on what to do.
* Pray - I think there's no problem with talking with him because, in this way, it gives you the chance to open up your thoughts and feelings and also maintaining your relationship with him.
* Seek help - if you think that you already did your best to cope up with the problem/issue in your life, it is best to recommend that we seek help of specialized people on mental health and we don't know that maybe we are already experiencing depression and anxiety.
So today is a new day!
Don't let your history interfere with your destiny.
Let today be the day you stop being a victim of your circumstances and start taking action towards the life you want.
You have the power and the time to shape your life.
Break free from the poisonous victim mentality and embrace the truth of your greatness.
You were not meant for a mundane or mediocre life.
Did you ever have an experienced when it comes to this?
How do you able to cope up?
Let me know your thoughts.
Thanks for reading.
LOCATION: Cebu City, Philippines

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