Saturday, August 11, 2018

My Top 5 Biggest Life Goals

"If your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough."
If you want to reach the highest peak of your dream. Think Big.
You should always remember that there is nothing wrong if you set higher goals, aims or standards in life most especially if you know that you can do it.
Goal setting is a process of thinking about your future and motivating yourself that turns vision of the future into reality.
This process helps you choose where do you want to go and what you really want in life.
It is actually frustrating to not have a goal in life.
It takes passion and time waiting for you to be able to reach your goals.
There are a lot of goals we want to achieve in life, whether it's relationship, business, health and a lot more.
Without at least one such goal in mind, there will be no progress along the way.
Everyone needs goals in order to be focus in life.
Your goals can take you to the next level, in any area of life.
It also makes you happy, that will lead you to more success in life.
So for today, I already mentioned about life goals and I want to share with you my top 5 biggest life goals and here it goes:
* To love what I am currently doing
Since then, I have been working my way up to the corporate world with the 8:00 am-5:00 pm job.
I have invested my time and energy doing the same thing 5 days a week for almost 8 hours.
To be honest, this is not what I am enjoying doing.
That's why I am happy when I finally found blogging as an activity which I am currently incredibly passionate about.
This is the only time I felt that I am happy and loving what I am doing.
It seems like I can't live without this.
It is not about the sponsored paid campaign or post or banner ads that matter, but sharing your passion with people, which I love and can do forever without getting bored.
* To expand my knowledge
Even after I graduated from college, I still believe that continuous learning can take you anywhere.
It's nice to be curious at times when you are able to see possibilities of learning something new.
As I mentioned before this that I found my passion sharing my thoughts through blogging.
I find inspiration from people and also by reading their work.
Through this, I am able to expand my knowledge when it comes to writing and blogging.
Of course, I don't limit myself only to blogging but I find time to research and attend online and classroom courses.
* To contribute
I know life is short and I think giving more than what you received gives you the highest level of attainment in life which is usually achieved when you get old.
For me, it's not about the years you are living here on Earth that matters, but what you did to contribute to the society.
Also, it is not always about money, it can also be an emotional help to people who need it.
It's nice to give back and help the greater cause.
* To start caring about myself
At the end of the day, it will be only you that will matter most.
That's why I think self-care is one of the most important things in our life.
This is not also limited to physical health, but also for mental and spiritual health too.
I also mentioned it in my previous post about Why Self-Care is Important?.
I think self-care is a way of life and very important in our lives.
* To be financially worry-free
This is not about getting a big amount of cash on hand or at the bank.
This just means that I am able to keep track of my expenses and able to spend my money wisely.
I know it's very unrealistic to say that in 5 years in time, I will be a millionaire.
I can't say that it's not possible, but that's just the end of everything.
What is important is I am able to save and create an emergency fund for emergency purposes.
Also, to be able to secure my family and kids' future.
It's nice to spend money on what you like, but it would be better if you can see the greater side of at the end of it.
Out of all, the goal I had, I think enjoying life more is more important.
We are only given one shot in life so I think we should make the most of it.
Now, you've learned the top 5 biggest life goals I have.
Why don't you share about yours?
Let me know some of your biggest goals.
Thanks for reading.
Have a great weekend everyone.
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