Thursday, August 23, 2018

Being Taken For A Ride: Dog Sledding On Trans-Siberian Trips

Image by Jack Ross via Unsplash
Intrepid explorers thinking about booking a Trans-Siberian trip may look for a journey that includes the more invigorating stopovers. Luckily for fearless travellers determined to make the most of their winter Trans-Siberian trip, there are some fantastic options in add-on tours to choose from. However, if we are to take advantage of Trans-Siberian stopovers to blow our mind, we will need to carry out some proper planning for our journey. Adventurous souls keen to try dog-sledding for the first time as part of their Trans-Siberian train trip package should spend some time scouring the net for providers of such out-of-this world experiences.

Of course, dog lovers who do get the chance to be pulled along by magnificent huskies whilst on their Trans-Siberian express holiday are going to be left speechless as they take in the entirety of what they are actually doing. However, rather than just be really impressed with this kind of tour activity, it might be worth looking at other things we can get up to whilst in Ekaterinburg - a popular location for dog sledding for Trans-Siberian express trippers. 

Some of the more appealing things to experience in this Russian region during the winter include: 

1. Visit the Ekaterinburg War Memorial 
2. Spend some time at the Church of Ascension 
3. Take a look at the Monument to the Honorary Pointsman 
4. Go to the petting zoo Elkin Dvor 
5. Visit the MeteoGorka site 

Friendly Service 

Potential riders of Trans-Siberian express trips who appreciate meticulous Trans-Siberian Railway Holiday planning & booking should be able to be the architects of a once in a lifetime adventure. Indeed, it is those travellers willing to go the extra mile organising fantastic tours that more often than not end up with the kind of vacation they will be talking about for many years to come. They can try their hand dog sledding, for example. 

Anyone that has tried dog sledding in Siberia before or perhaps in another part of the globe will be aware of just how strong these canines are. However, this does not mean to say that these animals are threats to the people who are dragged along by them in a well-built dog sled. On the contrary, these lovable four-legged friends are extremely friendly although they will remain disciplined and focused on their task whenever they are commanded to take newbie sledders on the ride of their life. 

By spending time looking for articles about these sorts of trips, well-prepared train tripping enthusiasts will be able to realise their travelling goals. There are great websites for people hoping to learn more about winter stopovers during one of the better organised Trans-Siberian express trips found online today. Of course, if we want to enquire about dog sledding tours by Trans-Manchurian operators, it is best to listen to people who have experienced one of these activities. 

Dog Sled Wear 
Image Source: Flickr

Seasoned travellers who have been to some of the coldest places on the planet will not need reminding of how important it is to meticulously plan a trip to a country that experiences extremely low temperatures during the winter months. Of course, apart from travellers with no experience staying in places that can drop to below zero talking to more knowledgeable explorers before they land in Siberia, it would be wise to conduct some proper research. Indeed, finding out about the best items of clothing and footwear to pack for such a challenging environment whilst on a Trans-Siberian trip could be the difference between a successful and a less enjoyable dog sledding excursion.

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