Sunday, October 22, 2017

What are the Best Fertility Vitamins?

It is normal for every woman to take multivitamins daily. Especially when you are trying to get pregnant, you get advice from various sources that using fertility vitamins are a good idea. Below are some of some of the best fertility vitamins: 

1. B vitamins 
The B vitamins have been discovered to aid the ovaries of women in releasing the egg during ovulation period. These vitamins, especially B6, are said to increase the progesterone level, which is necessary to keep the pregnancy after conceiving. The B-vitamins can be found in foods such as chickpeas, green leaves, eggs, meat, and whole grain. 

2. Bromelain 
There are a group of enzymes that primarily ensures the body digests protein. Bromelain are also discovered to assist the implantation of the fertilized egg. In order to aid fertility, you should have sufficient intake in your body right after ovulation. You can find these vitamins in pineapples. 

3. Vitamin C
It is an immunity-boosting vitamin that promotes the absorption of iron and the production of progesterone. Sufficient intake of vitamin c increases the fertility of women who have a luteal phase defect, which is an issue that is caused by insufficient progesterone. Vitamin C also helps in improving the mortality and health of the sperm. This vitamin can be found in fruits such as mangoes, tomatoes, citrus, peas, potatoes, and cherries. 

4. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, which is important for the production of proper sex hormones. Various studies have shown that most infertile women mostly tend to have low levels of vitamin D. According to research from Yale University of Medicine, it was discovered that 40 percent of women with ovulatory dysfunction had low level and clinical deficiency of vitamin D. This vitamin also improves the overall fertility of a woman by reducing body inflammation. Vitamin D can be sourced from dairy products, sun exposure, cod liver oil and fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel. 

5. Vitamin E
Fertility experts believe that a good level of vitamin E is very important because it can be found in fluid around the developing eggs of a woman. Sufficient intake of Vitamin E by men helps in boosting the health of the sperm. This vitamin also has a powerful antioxidant property for both men and women. This vitamin can be found in wheat germ oil, sweet potatoes, green leaves, whole grain, avocado, seeds, and nuts such as peanuts and almonds. 

6. Folic acid
The synthetic form of folate is called folic acid. This vitamin is important for the fertility of women because it helps in the development of the growing baby’s neural tube. It happens in the early stage of the pregnancy (two to three weeks after conception), when most women may not even have an idea that they are pregnant. The reason why this vitamin is important is that most people do not get sufficient folate in their diet.. Therefore, all women within the reproductive age range who want to increase their fertility rate should take at least 400 micrograms of the supplement daily. Reduction of the rate of infertility caused by ovulation is correlated with the use of folic acid. It is also beneficial for men, as it helps in producing healthy sperm. According to a study made by researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, it was discovered that men with a very high intake of folic acid in their diet had the production of abnormal sperm reduced by over 20 percent when compared with men with low intake of folic acid. This vitamin can be found in foods such as beans, orange juice, green leafs, and cereals. 

7. Iron 
This vitamin is highly recommended for women, especially the pregnant ones. It is because pregnancy makes women anemic and takes a physical toll on their body. Insufficient intake of iron before conception is one of the factors that cause fertility issues due to lack of ovulation. But if your intake of iron before conception is sufficient, you will be able to avoid fertility issues caused by lack of ovulation and pregnancy-related anemia. Women with sufficient intake of iron rarely have infertility issues. Iron is mostly found in foods, such as whole grain cereal, spinach, tomatoes, pumpkin, fish, meat, beets, eggs, and broccoli. 

8. Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients to increase the rate of fertility because they help the ovarian follicles release eggs, balance the hormones, and increase blood flow to the uterus. This nutrient is very special because it cannot be produced naturally by our body. Recent studies also discovered that this nutrient might also help with the development of human IQ and the fetal brain. You can get the Omega-3 fatty acids from walnuts, flaxseed oil, cod, sardines, herring, anchovies, and eggs produced by chickens fed with omega-3s. 

9. Selenium
Selenium is an antioxidant that aids the rate of fertility by protecting the sperm and eggs from free radicals. The free radicals can cause low fertility rate in both men and women and chromosomal damage which is a major cause of congenital disabilities and miscarriage. Selenium is also important for the production of sperm. In recent studies, lack or low selenium intake have been found in the body of men with low sperm count. Selenium can be found in Brazil nuts, leafy greens, whole grains, and fish. 

10. Zinc 
In order to keep things functioning, zinc works with over 300 distinct enzymes in the woman body. Without zinc, the cells in the body won’t be divided properly, the reproductive system may not function properly, and the estrogen and progesterone levels won’t be balanced. Zinc is considered to be one of the most important nutrients for male fertility because high intake of zinc by infertile men has resulted in a boost in the sperm count, the improvement of the quality, function, and health of the male sperm. Zinc is sourced from foods such as beef, fish, oysters, poultry animals, pumpkin seeds and wheat germ. It is essential to eat some of these foods in their raw form because cooking can damage zinc.
What do you think about this list?
Let me know your thoughts and thanks for reading.

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