Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Happy Tuesday!
Three more nights until we welcome the year 2016!
Happy New Year everyone!
I'm happy that the year 2015 been so good to me.
I received so much blessings and I thank God for all of it.
I will tell you sooner what is the biggest blessing I received this year. (Guess what?)
But before that, what are my New Year's resolutions for the year 2016?
I'll let you know some of it:
* Good health - As they said, health is wealth. I will make sure that I will eat healthy foods and take some vitamins so I can fight some diseases. I am Vitamin D deficient, so for me to recover from it I will make sure to get some sun while I can but of course still using lotions with SPF to protect my skin. I will eat salmon, broccoli and green leafy vegetables.
* Drink plenty of water - I tend to be dehydrated often times so this is a reminder on me that I should drink 2.5 liters of water or more.
* Get back in shape - I always make sure to include this resolution on my list every year. I think everyone's aging and we need to stay fit in order for us to do anything we are capable of.
* Forgive quickly - this is on my emotional side. I usually hold grudges when somebody done something bad or wrong to me. I think we need to forgive in order for us to be forgiven.
* Increase savings, not debt - this is a good time for us to save while we are still young. I think we need to open ourselves a savings account or any place that we can save our money or invest it to something worthy. 
* Take a rest while you can - I think we need to pause for a while. Take vacation and pamper our self once in a while for paying to our great work done.
* Take time to talk with parents - I live far away from my family and it's so hard especially if you have different time lines to schedule a call or a chat. Sometimes I forgot to call them because of the busy schedule, work and lots of it. Time is flying so fast that sometimes we are neglecting our parents who let us witness the world and raised us to what we are right now. This year, I promised myself to connect with them more even I'm far away from them. 
* Quality, not quantity - as a fashion blogger I tend to splurge a lot especially to clothes. Whenever I saw sale items, I am quickly drawn to that marketing strategy most of the companies are doing. This scenario just gives me more problems on how to manage my wardrobe every time. This year, I promised myself that I would buy stuff or things that are on quality rather than quantity. I want my stuff to stay long on my closet /wardrobe without worrying it will tear in no time.
That's it for now!
I'm sorry if this is not the complete list as I want to keep some of it private.
Thanks for reading.
FOREVER21 sweater | PULL & BEAR jeans | ALDO shoes | DREAM CATCHER necklace

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