Thursday, December 10, 2015


Happy Thursday everyone!
I hope everyone's having a great week so far.
As for me, it's quite busy since the holiday is coming up.
I have lots of emails and pending work to keep going before the year end.
Yessss, this is the last month for 2015.
I know by this time some of us had their new year's resolution.
But beforehand, what are the things that we are thankful in the year 2015?
I listed some of the things I am thankful for, and here are they:
* Loving and supportive husband - as for others that still didn't know, I get married last January 2015 with my 6 years boyfriend. He is the best thing ever that happened in my life. For people asking me who are taking shots of my outfits, I am proud to say that it was my husband behind that great shot. He is not a pro or what so ever but he is trying his best to support me on what field or interest I'm on.
* Great job and good boss - some people are saying that they don't care how much they are paid as long their boss is a good boss. I'm one of the lucky person to have a great, smart & supportive boss. I can't asked enough when it comes to my job.
* Family that supports and helps - even though i'm far away from my family, i can still feel their support in what ever i'm doing. I feel happy to see that they are very proud on where I am right now.
* Best friend that stick like a glue - my best friend is one of the person who knows me better. I'm thankful that even i'm a spoiled & lousy at times, she still stick on my side no matter what.
* Some wishes had came true this year - I'm thankful to our creator that no matter how bad I am sometimes, he didn't forget to shower me so much blessings. I got my own car, own land way back in my hometown and lots of opportunities are coming my way.
* Good health - i'm happy to see that even though i didn't support my resolution last year to go to the gym 2-3 a week. I still manage to maintain a good health and a strong body to combat sickness.
* My blog - I know I fail a lot of times when it comes to blogging but i'm happy that it is growing rapidly and people are getting more aware of my site and the work i'm doing.
* Living abroad - i'm thankful for all the learning i received when i decided to reside and work abroad. Lot of people would be in doubt why I choose UAE to live to? I love being in here because I feel safe anywhere I go. Being independent seems a great step forward for me as I love to meet different kinds of people and culture as well.
There's a lot more things to be thankful for this year.
There are some ups and downs but what is important is that we are learning from all the mistakes we had in the past years to make us a better person on the upcoming years.
How about you?
What are the things you are thankful for this year?
Let us know.
Thanks for reading.
Have a great day and weekend.
AEROPOSTALE top | CHOIES pants | MILANO bag | ICONIC boots | SPLASH sunglasses | DREAM CATCHER necklace | ALDO scarf

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